MIMS – Multiasset Global Opportunities Fund (Report May 2021)

MIMS – Multiasset Global Opportunities Fund (Report May 2021)

MIMS – Multi Asset Global Opportunities Fund is an actively managed
fund by Minerva Investment Management Society,
based on environmental, social, and governance (ESG)
The ultimate goal of this portfolio is to achieve long-term
growth whilst controlling volatility. To that end, this fund will
be comprised of a multitude of securities with the possibility,
in exceptional cases, to take short term speculative
positions. Hedging positions might be implemented through
financial derivative instruments. To ensure diversification,
this virtual portfolio is spread across geographies, sectors
and asset classes, and is built through fundamental analysis,
ESG integration and macroeconomic views.
In total, the asset allocation will aim to include around 40
different securities with a changing risky component to take
advantage of contingent market conditions. The dynamic
asset allocation prevents us from using a reference
benchmark. The portfolio will be rebalanced every six
months, with exceptional reviews to position for market
shocks. The holdings only include instruments from the
public markets, spread across equity, fixed income, real
estate and commodities. ETPs might be considered to take
additional exposures to niche markets.